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Extra Places to visit whilst at Butlins Minehead

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Extra Places to visit whilst at Butlins Minehead

Post by banmrk »

Torre Cider Farm - Washford

As recommended by members of the Butlins Memorabilia Facebook Group, an area to visit for that little extra fun is Torre Cider Farm With free entry, you can visit their shop, go for walks, and even allow your children to have fun in their play area. There is much to do and you can see more about them via their website:

Butterflies Cafe - Minehead

If you would like to find a nice place to have a meal with top-quality service, Butterflies Cafe can help you out with their menu. Visit their Facebook page at to see more about them.

The Royal Oak Inn - Porlock

If you would like to adventure a little bit further out from Minehead, I would recommend Porlock. A lovely location that has the option of crab hunting at the pier. Whilst there, look for The Royal Oak Inn Porlock where you can get a good drink and meal. Visit them at their Facebook page at to see more

West Somerset Railway - Minehead

Another great location to visit is the West Somerset Railway where you can ride the steam trains, visit the cafes, see some amazing museums, and have a meal. You can view more about them on their Facebook page at

Minehead Museum

Whilst in Minehead, take some time to visit the museum to see the amazing history of this location that helped create too many memories. It is located opposite the West Somerset Railway, next to the Beach Hotel. It's free to go in and you can see more about them via their website here:

Merlins Indoor Market

Want to get the spade and buckets for the beach or just some new items, check out Merlins Indoor Market. Just outside is also a play area for the kids. You can view more about them at their Facebook page: ... 261905556/

Tropiquaria Zoo

If you would like to visit a place where there are animals or even take children to a place that has two large ships for kids to play on, then Tropiquaria Zoo is an option for you. Located not far from Butlins Minehead, you can see many animals and take your time taking photos and relaxing. You can view more about them from their website here: or via their Facebook page here:

Exmoor Coaster Bus Service

Open top bus with the most amazing views of both Somerset and Devon whilst going to a destination where you can go for a relaxing time? Lyton and Lymouth is a great place to start as you get on the Route 300 Exmoor Bus to and from this amazing place, take away the driving and chill. You can view more about them at ... -first-bus

Luttrell Arms Hotel

Recommended by members of this group, the Luttrell Arms Hotel is located in Dunster, not far from Minehead Butlins. From beauty to eating away, it's a place to visit.

Sugar Bar Cocktail

Recommended by members of this group, try the Sugar Bar Cocktail in Minehead. ... 198954552/

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