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Newspapers About Butlins Filey

Newspapers are just as important as postcards, photos, and videos. Each article holds details about a specific event and contributes towards history. Below are links to respected newspaper companies that have written about Butlin's during an important time period. I do not own the copyright to any item here as all I offer is the link to their site. The newspapers did not ask me to post these links as I have done this to help others smile and remember some great times that they might have had. I am grateful that they took the time to write about Butlins and for us to able to see this now. Tip: Click on the screenshot and this will take you directly to the page.
Showing Butlins Filey

Newspaper: Teesside Live
Date: 21st August 2021

Amazing photos of Butlins Filey
Something wrong

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