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Felixstowe Butlin's

Opening in 1933, a new amusement park opened as a Butlin's and the magical atmosphere started. Built under the supervision of Billy Butlin, this park was representing the name Butlin's before the opening of the holiday camps. The idea was simple, to make it fun and exciting for all visitors.

Felixstowe Park

As the park continued to grow in size, it would see an introduction of the Butlin's zoo, which was a feature Billy Butlin added to all his amusement park locations. The idea to keep ahead of the demands was very strong with Billy as he introduces the rowing boats that gave him the chance to tour around the park. 

Fexlistowe Park

Billy Butlin had many connections that link areas of interest to the Butlin story. Felixstowe Park is one of the moments that add to this story as a lady named Heather worked at this very park for Billy Butlin. Heather is a very important person as she is the wife of Charlie Manning Senior, a person who took over the lease after the war in 1946 and made the park successful. 

Manning Amusement

Manning Amusements

The site continued in 1946 when it was under the new ownership of the Manning family. Their website (click on their logo to visit them) has the following words

"Now in its third generation, the Manning family continue to own and run the site, hands-on, every day. And continue to play a part in the history of this quaint yet blossoming seaside town."

*the logo is copyright to the Mannings Amusements - it can be removed at any time. Butlin's Memorabilia or Mark do not own this logo.

The Redcoats of Felixstowe

Taken by a gentleman named Chris Boss, you can see the iconic Redcoats standing here at the building at Felixstowe in 2018. To think that after all these years, they remain standing guard and still telling a story of a legacy. 

*These photos belong to Chris and can be removed at any time.  You can see more by clicking on these words

Lee's Photos from his visit in 2023

Thank you to Lee from our Facebook group (click on these words) for sending these in to show us the updates on this wonderful site. 
Felixstowe Butlins Redcoats

Sir Billy Butlin is remembered

It was great to see that Sir William Butlin was remembered in this location and to also acknowledge Butlin's in Felixstowe. 

Felixstowe Butlins Redcoats
Still standing tall

Felixstowe Butlins Redcoats

Felixstowe Butlins Redcoats

Felixstowe Butlins Redcoats

Google Maps

Photo from Google Maps

This photo was taken from Google Maps with the date June 2022. As I look at this important location, I could not help but notice an important feature. This feature is the iconic Butlins fountain, showing Billy Butlin connection to this site. It's a fine touch and has a large meaning to the Butlin story.

More Google Map photos of the fountain
March 2009
March 2011
September 2016
July  2017
October 2018
June 2022

Postcard and Google Maps 

Google maps is showing June 2022 and are on the right-hand side, my postcard is on the left.


Photo from Chris

Scootaboat Polo

Uploader: British Pathe

Uploaders Description

A number of small two man boats are on a small covered pool. A crowd is watching from the side. The boats are connected to wires in the roof like dodgem cars. A man standing in the water throws a ball into the pool and the boats move in to chase it. The players try to push the ball into goals at either end of the pool. Lots of splashing ensues.

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Who and What is Butlin's Memorabilia Website

Mark Banks owns and created this website to show his collection of Butlin's memorabilia items. It was created during my spare time at work and is a hobby of mine and has since grown into a site that offers a chance for others to smile. This website is NOT the official website for Butlin's and is NOT the official archive of Butlin's at any stage. The website has expanded to show stories, with permission from that person, of a moment in Butlin's from people who are either a customer or former staff. This website is in loving memory of all that had come to this amazing company and to Sir William Butlin, the founder.  This website also has information about research regarding Butlin's history with information obtained from the research I made, which is not official. 

Butlins Memorabilia extra areas

This website is made and maintained by me, Mark Banks, as a fan site to celebrate the amazing Butlins name as it has such a large meaning to me.  Below is additional information about the website and answers to questions that you might be thinking of (hopefully I have covered them all, if not, get in touch)

Learn more about the Butlins Memorabilia website by clicking on these words

Butlins Memorabilia Support and help

If you get stuck and need help with an area of the website, please click on these words to read the about known problems and how to solve them

The Untold Stories of Butlin's

The website has expanded to now include an area called "Untold Stories of Butlin's". These stories have been added to the site by a member of my group who has shared their moment at Butlin's. These stories are not from the official company and are from the person it represent, as shown on the page. The stories shared are from that person's memory and show the magic of Butlin's on how it creates that special moment. 

If you are not official, who is Mark?

Butlin's Memorabilia is NOT the official website for Butlins. This site is also NOT the official website for the archive of Butlin's. The owners of Butlin's, Butlin's company, and have NOT approached me to design this site. They have no involvement with the development of the website or with the information that is shown. I am extremely thankful that they allow me to continue showing you their company's rich history. 

The number one website for Butlins is always, where you see all the information about booking a break.

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