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The Flatlets, Mendips Court, Brendons Court and Quantocks

1967 Map of Area

Taken from my 1967 Entertainment Guide

Going back to the 1967 map, we can see that the area we are checking is at the back of the camp. At this stage, the area is mainly grass with a ski slope nearby. This is where the supermarket is located today (2024). This map would not show anymore to the customer as there is nothing to see.

The Flatlets
Taken from 1976 entertainment guide

An addition would be made to the rear area of the camp with the introduction of the Flatlets, which were the first self-catering chalets and are now considered standard accommodation. However, the Quantocks were not included at this stage (referring to the buildings behind the supermarket at the back of the camp in today's Butlins (as of 2024) ).

Flatlets Camp
Flatlets expand
Taken from the 1982 entertainment guide

Due to the popularity of the self-catering units among guests, new buildings was commissioned to expand the village across three fields. At this stage, the supermarket at the rear has not yet appeared.

Quantocks, Mendips and Brendon Court

Showing the map from the 1988 Entertainment Guide

Introduction of Quantocks Court, Mendips Court and Brendons Court

As the camp transforms into Somerwest World, the flalets name is removed and replaced with their own Butlin's village names. A new village called Quantocks Court is located behind the newly built supermarket. The chalets in the middle are named Mendips Court, those on the right-hand side are now called Brendons Court.

Quantocks and Mendips

1993 Entertainment Guide

Quantocks Court and Mendips Courts

In 1993, Brendons Court was removed from the map and converted into rooms for staff. As a result, customers no longer had this as an option for their stay. Mendips Court also saw a size reduction. However, Quantocks Court remained in place and was the standard self-catering accommodation. Changes are shown in red.


Showing the map from the 2001 Entertainment Guide

Starfish Quay and Caribbean Quay

Quantocks Court and Mendips were renamed Starfish Quay and Caribbean Quay, respectively, to match the new format of Butlin's Family Entertainment Resort. These changes were made during the final ownership of the Rank Organisation over the Butlins name.

2024 map

Showing the map from the 2024 Map

Staff Accomendations

The accommodation was finally transferred for staff members to live in with some major changes made. 

Brendons Court Update
These buildings were demolished in the mid-2000s to make way for a potential hotel that was never constructed. Since then, the area has remained mostly grassy, with a small section converted into a car park. To this day, the area is still used for the circus and fireworks displays.

Mendips Update
These were demolished between 2010 and 2020 and is also the location where I lived when I worked there in 1999.

Quantocks Court Update
These structures remain in place today and have been given a fresh coat of paint with much-needed care. They are still part of the team's accommodation.

Mendips and Brendons Court further update
Planning permission has been granted to build a caravan village at this location for staff members.

Personal Photos of Quantocks Court






Personal photos of Mendips



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Mark Banks is the individual responsible for the creation and ownership of this website, which displays his collection of Butlin's memorabilia. It was created in my spare time after work as a hobby and has since grown into a site that gives others a chance to smile. It is important to note that this website is not associated with Butlin's and is not an official archive of the company. Furthermore, it includes stories, with the consent of the individuals involved, that recount memorable moments at Butlin's from both customers and former staff members. This website pays homage to the esteemed company and its founder, Sir William Butlin. Additionally, it provides information on the history of Butlin's, based on personal research.

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This website is a fan site dedicated to celebrating the Butlins brand. It is created and maintained by Mark Banks. Further information about the website and answers to any questions can be found below. In case of any additional inquiries, please feel free to contact Mark.

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The website now includes a section called 'Untold Stories of Butlin's', featuring personal anecdotes shared by members of my group. The website now includes a section called 'Untold Stories of Butlin's', featuring personal experiences shared by members of my group. Members of the group have graciously shared their personal experiences at Butlin's and added these stories to the website. These stories are not affiliated with the official company but rather represent the memories of the individuals who shared them.
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Please note that Butlin's Memorabilia is an independent website and is not affiliated with the official Butlins website or archive. The owners of Butlin's and have not been involved in the development of this site, nor have they approached me to design it. However, I am grateful for their willingness to allow me to continue to share the rich history of their company with you.

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